OKITA Memorial Prize for International Development Research
- Activities
- OKITA Memorial Prize for International Development Research
To honor the best research book written in Japanese on international development,
FASID has since 1997 awarded the annual OKITA Memorial Prize,
named after Dr. Saburo OKITA, who was the first Chairperson of the Board of Councilors of FASID and
the former Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Tsuneo SUGISHITA (President, FASID) Chairperson
Hideki ESYO (Professor Emeritus, Hosei University)
Naohiro KITANO (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)
Izumi OHNO (Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS))
Saburo TAKIZAWA (Professor Emeritus, Toyo Eiwa University / Japan for UNHCR)
Keiko ASATO (Executive Director, FASID)
FASID has since 1997 awarded the annual OKITA Memorial Prize,
named after Dr. Saburo OKITA, who was the first Chairperson of the Board of Councilors of FASID and
the former Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Selection Committee Members (FY 2024)
Tsuneo SUGISHITA (President, FASID) Chairperson
Hideki ESYO (Professor Emeritus, Hosei University)
Naohiro KITANO (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)
Izumi OHNO (Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS))
Saburo TAKIZAWA (Professor Emeritus, Toyo Eiwa University / Japan for UNHCR)
Keiko ASATO (Executive Director, FASID)
The prize was awarded to 38 books since 1997.
(28th, 2024) WANG Muyun, Introduction to Chinese Development Studies: The Rise and Variation of Academic Knowledge in Non-Western Contexts, HOSERI UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2024 |
(27th, 2023) Daisuke TERAUCHI, Living with the Exploited Forests: An Ethnography of the Swiddeners in Kalimantan, Indonesia, Shinsensha, 2023 |
(26th, 2022) Haruko KUDO, Refugees and Sexuality: Inclusion and exclusions of sexual minorities in the U.S, Akashi Shoten, 2022 |
(25th, 2021) Hisashi SHIMOJO, Intangible Spaces: A Social History of Survival in the Mekong Delta., Kyoto University Press, 2021 |
(25th, 2021) Yasutami Shimomura, Evolution of the Japanese Model of Development Cooperation, 1945-89: Policy History I, [Reconsidering the History of Japan’s Development Cooperation Volume I], University of Tokyo Press, 2020 |
(24th, 2020) Miyoko TANIGUCHI, Assisting Peacebuilding: Mindanao Conflict and Road to Peace, The University of Nagoya Press, 2020 |
(23rd, 2019) Yuka TOMOMATSU, Gendered Economies of Agriculture: The Transformation of Everyday Livelihoods in Northern Ghana, Akashi shoten Co., Ltd., 2019 |
(22nd, 2018) Mio HORIE, A Village Without Daughters: Bride Shortage, Marriage Migration and Women’s Belonging among the Lahu of Southwest China, Kyoto University Press, 2018 |
(21st, 2017) Yumiko TANAKA, How 'modernization' changed women's status: Gender and land rights in rural Tanzania, Shinhyoron Publishing Inc., 2016 |
(21st, 2017) Jin SATO, From Barbarians to Partners for Common Survival: Re-designing the Idea of Foreign Aid,Minervashobo Co., Ltd., 2016 |
(20th, 2016) Taizo MIYAGI, Masaya INOUE, Kiyofumi KATO, Ayako KUSUNOKI, Mie OBA, Susumu SATO, Hidekazu WAKATSUKI,Japan’s Postwar Policy toward Asia, Minervashobo Co., Ltd., 2015 |
(19th, 2015) Mitsuaki FURUKAWA, The Evolution of the International Aid System and the Reality of African Aid Administration : Poverty Reduction Regimes in the Post-Cold War, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 2014 |
(18th, 2014) Haruka YANAGISAWA, Contemporary Indian Economy: The Historical Roots, Process and Prospect of Its Development, The University of Nagoya Press, 2014 |
(17th, 2013) Soya MORI and Tatsufumi YAMAGATA, Empirical Research of Disability and Development, Keiso-Shobo publishers, 2013 |
(17th, 2013) Dai YAMAO, Conflict and Politics of State-building in Post-War Iraq, Akashi shoten Co., Ltd., 2013 |
(16th, 2012) Yuri SATO, Keizai Taikoku Indonesia, Chuko Shinsho, 2011 |
(14th, 2010) Akio TANABE, Caste and equality: historical anthropology of local society and vernacular democracy in India, University of Tokyo Press, 2010 |
(13th, 2009) Shinichi TAKEUCHI, The post-colonial patrimonial state and conflict in Africa : understanding the genocide in Rwanda, Akashi Press, 2009 |
(12th, 2008) Rie MAKITA, Livelihood Diversification and Landlessness in Rural Bangladesh, The University Press Ltd., Dhaka, 2007 |
(11th, 2007) Shinya KONAKA, Bokuchiku niju keizai no jinruigaku, Sekaishisosha Co., Ltd., 2006 |
(10th, 2006) Masakazu TANI, Life in Rural Villages and Arsenic Groundwater Contamination in Bangladesh, Kyusyu University Press, 2005 |
(9th, 2005) Koichi FUJITA, Class Change in the Process of Rural Development in Bangladesh, Kyoto University Press, 2005 |
(8th, 2004) Naoko ISHII, Positive Analysis for Long-Term Economic Development, Nikkei Publishing Inc., 2003 |
Tsuyoshi YASUHARA, Financial Instability of Mexican Economy, Shinhyoron Co., Ltd., 2003 | |
(7th, 2003) Katsumi HIRANO, Illustration: African Economy, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 2002 |
(6th, 2002) Masako ISHII, Muslim Society in the Philippines, described by woman, Akashi Press, 2002 |
Kohei WAKIMURA, Famine, Plague, Colonial Administration- British India in the Process of Development, The University of Nagoya Press, 2002 | |
(5th, 2001) Takashi KUROSAKI, Micro-economics of Development, Iwanami Shoten, 2001 |
Jun NISHIKAWA, Economics for the Human Being, Iwanami Shoten, 2001 | |
(4th, 2000) Yoichi MINE, The Economics for an African Rebirth, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 1999 |
(3rd, 1999) Katsuji NAKAGANE, Economic Development and Transition in China, Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd, 1999 |
Hideyuki TSUJIMURA, Rural Cooperatives in Southern Africa, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsya Ltd., 1999 | |
(2nd, 1998) Hideki ESHO, Political Economy of Development, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 1997 |
Yukiko FUKAGAWA, Korea: the Economic Vies of the Development Country, Nikkei Inc., 1997 | |
(1st, 1997) Shohei HIROSE / Toshitsugu WAKATSUKI, Restration of Ecology and Rural Life in West Africa, Association of Agriculture & Forestry Statistics, 1997 |
Yonosuke HARA, Economics of Development, Iwanami Shoten, 1996 |